The upcoming 2020 BMW 8 series gran coupe teased again.

This is the second time that the BMW officially teasing their forthcoming 8-Series gran coupe. Unlike last time, the car is more obvious by now on a dusty desert location.

Apart from this, the already shown a less camouflaged pictures of the car. The design is much clear in this. The looks are really appealing, the 8-series gran coupe is a perfect 4-door head tuner in many sense.

However, the technical specification are not available at all. It is expect to have a 4.4-liter V8 with M8 Competition edition to offer. But the production authenticity of a fully M8 variant is still doubtful.

It is expected that BMW will showcase a premier of this much awaiting four door in the month of June. We still need to wait a while to get a fully visual and technical experience with the four door 8-series gran coupe

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