Mercedes-Benz and Bosch build a modern testing centre for vehicles in Iracemápolis
São Paulo / Stuttgart – Mercedes-Benz and Bosch have joined forces in Brazil to build a state-of-the-art Vehicle Test Center. In addition to trucks and buses, it will also be possible to test passenger cars, light commercial vehicles and motorcycles in the future.
One ground-breaking aspect of the joint project: the new facility is to be made available to other manufacturers of vehicles, systems and vehicle components. The Vehicle Test Center is to be built on the existing Mercedes-Benz testing grounds in Iracemápolis (State of São Paulo).
Initial construction work on the new test centre will begin in the first half of 2020. The start of operations is scheduled for 2021. Together, Mercedes-Benz and Bosch will invest 70 million Brazilian Real (around 15 million Euro) in the centre. The new Vehicle Test Center will focus on testing for the development of systems for vehicle safety and suspension control as well as systems for improved energy efficiency and for (semi-)automated driving.
The new Test Center includes five different areas with a total ground surface of 400,000 square metres. As part of the construction project, the number of test tracks in Iracemápolis will be increased from the present 16 to 21 and additional workshop boxes and office space will also be created.